
Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer known for many innovations in his lifetime. Watch these videos to learn about his discoveries.

Visit the webpage below to learn about Archimedes.

Archimedes Biography

Kids learn about the biography of famous Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes including his early life, working for the king, defending the city of Syracuse with his inventions, death, and fun facts.

Archimedes even has a scientific principle named after him. Visit the Easy Science for Kids to learn about the Archimedes Principle.

Facts about Archimedes' principle for kids

All about Archimedes and his principle Archimedes was a great mathematician born in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy in 287 BC. He was an outstanding ancient Greek mathematician. His father, Phidias was an astronomer and mathematician. His family was quite well off. Archimedes has travelled to Alexandria, Egypt for his formal education.

Conduct this simple experiment to discover the role salt plays in Archimedes Principle. Gather your supplies and read your directions all the way through before starting.

Take a picture during your experiment, and when you are done, write a description of your discovery. Share your photo and description in two ways.

  • Upload to Instagram and tag it #onlineunitstudies #ancientgreece @techiehomeschoolmom
  • Upload your picture to your family's "Online Unit Studies" Pinterest board.

Supplies Needed

Kids Science Experiments - Archimedes' principle

Archimedes' principle video. An easy experiment for kids that doesn't need much materials to conduct the project. You will learn how to float an egg and ...

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