Project: Comparing Ancient and Modern Olympics
Want to find out how much other people know about the history of the Olympics? You can find out with an quiz you will create online comparing the ancient and modern Olympics.
- Write down 3 similarities between ancient and modern Olympics. Then record 3 facts specific to ancient Olympics and 3 facts specific to the modern Olympics
- Login (or create an account) at Educaplay.
- Watch the tutorial HERE to learn how to create a quiz in Educaplay.
- Create your multiple choice quiz comparing ancient and modern Olympics
- Choose at least 6 similaries/differences to use as your questions. Use this wording for your questions..."When did (fill in fact)"
- For all questions, set up 3 answers "Ancient Olympics", "Modern Olympics", "Both"
- When you are done, share you puzzle by emailing the url to a few friends or family members.